History of Illinois in Woodcuts

1. Fort Dearborn Massacre

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

2. Marquette and Joliet

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

3. Robert Cavelier La Salle and Tonti

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

4. Captain George Rogers Clark

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

5. Young Abe Lincoln Enters Coles County Illinois

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

6. River and Canal Transportation

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

7. Abe Lincoln at New Salem

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

8. The Question

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

9. Lincoln's Home in Springfield

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

10. Grant’s Home in Galena

History of Illinois in Woodcuts

Charles Turzak

Artist Bio
Portfolio of 10 woodcuts


history, portfolio, portraits